Here's a little bit about each of us:
Hello Gauchos! My name is Emily White and I am the Associate Director of Career Services. That's me up there on the left; the short one. I work tirelessly to bring employers to you but when I'm not at work I'm active in kickboxing and unicorn wrangling. I hope you enjoy the blog and follow Brittany and I on our adventure.
Well, I guess that makes me the tall one on the right! Hey Gauchos, my name is Brittany Manzer and I'm the Internship Program Coordinator with Employer Services. What does that mean for you? I'm your direct connection to employers looking for interns locally, nationally, and internationally. I also bring you contacts and tools for post-BA internships and programs. In my free time you can find me listening to amazing music, hanging with friends, or obsessing over Pinterest boards.
Don't forgot to follow us on Instagram @GauchosGetHired as we meet employers, attend events, and network FOR YOU! You never know where we may end up next.